They were all very valid and echoed the feelings of many more thousands of residents from Barnton, Anderton, Marbury and Comberbach who use Marbury Lane as their main access to Northwich for reasons of paramount importance such as their jobs, schools, colleges, appointments, meetings and shopping - not rat runs which had previously been claimed by someone.

Vice versa people living in the Northwich and Rudheath areas use the lane regularly for access to Marbury Park.

Why do people use it when they can use Winnington Bridge? One might ask. The answer is simple.

Winnington Bridge is perpetually under repair, as it was on Sunday, January 24. For instance, I had to attend a meeting at Winnington, so I travelled up to the A49 and proceeded to Weaverham, passed through Weaverham village to join Wallerscote Road, proceeded along the Avenue to Winnington just to get to my meeting which would normally just be a couple of miles!

This is an example of how residents of Barnton, Anderton, Marbury and Comberbach have to suffer regularly. At least when Marbury Lane was open people appreciated its true value as direct access to Northwich. Another major forthcoming problem will be the HGVs which will be using Winnington Bridge during the construction of the CHP Plant at Winnington for Brunner Mond.

During the 20 years I have lived nearby I can honestly say that drivers have gone about their journey using common sense as any narrow lane requires.

While in the interests of safety I respect the need for caution from motorists who use the lane, I know of other local road accident blackspots that Cheshire County Council should be more concerned about.

Users should protest against the closure at any opportunity.


Marbury Road,


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