In the last two weeks alone Buckley, 20 and from Rudheath, has finished fifth in the British championships and appeared on television twice.

Much like football's Michael Owen, Matt is clean cut and passionate about his sport. And it is that enthusiasm which has persuaded his sister and mother to join the racing action. His younger brother has been racing for two years already, making it clear husky racing is a real family affair in the Buckley household.

Indeed, 11-year-old Jamie came third in the one dog Under 12s event at Aviemore.

Matt's mum, Janet said: "It has been a remarkable few months for Matt and Jamie. For Matt to come fifth at Aviemore was great with the dogs he has. They are strong but haven't the blood-line of the top dogs."

She added: "Now I'm going to give it a go. I'm competing in my first race next week in Norfolk."

Matt's 22-year-old sister Mandy has now started training with a view to competing.

At the British Rally in Aviemore Matt was the youngest rider in the top five.

He is seen as a future national champion, which was why Children's BBC show Blue Peter chose the Northwich man to show their presenter Simon the ropes.

The programme was shown last Friday, four days after he had been profiled on North West Tonight. Coming up at the end of the month is an appearance on ITV's Don't Try This At Home.

NORTHWICH'S other Aviemore competitors were Steve and Andrea Taylor from Castle. Steve did well with a faster pair of dogs, finishing 13th in a field of 73. His wife Andrea cruised to 53rd.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.