Director of Football John Bond believes it is no less than the team deserves after a month which has seen Albion go unbeaten, scoring 15 goals in the process.

"The boys running the team have been doing a good job and the players have responded well.

"I knew we needed some different players when Peter (Ward) left and since we introduced a few new faces things have been better," he said.

"The award is very pleasing for everybody at the club."

Ironically, confirmation of Albion's award came as a result of their fixture with Flixton being postponed on Saturday because their nearest rivals for the accolade, Ashton United, went on to lose at Hucknall Town.

The Chester City defender and goalkeeper due to train with Witton last Thursday had to be turned away by caretaker boss Eddie Bishop because they are on contracts at the Third Division outfit.

Albion remain interested in the young duo.

AWAY from the football and Mike Worthington, the club's chief executive, is involved in a series of meetings this week with parties interested in buying an acre of land at the Platt Motors end of the Wincham Park site.

The land could raise as much as £55,000, which would virtually guarantee the club's future, should a buyer be found.

A verdict on the club's planning application for five and a half acres of land at the Wincham end of the ground is not now expected until March.

Mr Worthington is continuing to explore every available avenue in the search for the £60,000 needed to stave off the club's creditors. He has written an article which will be included in the programme for the club's next home game outlining the benefits of making a £1,000 subscription to the club.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.