John Nicholls, aged just 17, of Brereton Road, left suicide notes for his mum, dad and priest.

He was found alongside the Northwich to Chester line with fatal injuries on August 14 last year.

Train driver Malcolm Jarvis told the hearing in Crewe: "I was moving away from Mouldsworth and got up to 60mph, going along the straight part of the line.

"I saw what I thought was a bundle of clothes at the side of the railway. I realised it wasn't and thought perhaps it was children, because you do get them hanging around there."

Mr Jarvis said he then saw a young man lying down on his side, with the left side of his head resting on the metal rail.

"There was no way I could bring the train to a halt," he said.

"The horn was sounding continuously. I was not able to stop before the impact."

John left Hartford High School in 1997 and was working for a men's clothing shop in Chester, while studying an NVQ link course in retail training.

His dad, also called John, said: "He was happy at work although he was losing interest in his course. And his home life was happy, with no serious problems.

"He had a quiet life - he didn't like alcohol and drugs weren't a problem."

Mr Nicholls last saw his son alive on August 12 when he came home from work.

"There was nothing about his appearance that made me think there was anything wrong," he added.

But the family grew concerned when John did not return home from work and his mum found many of his clothes and CDs were missing.

The inquest jury returned a unanimous verdict of suicide which Mr Hibbert recorded.

"We all realise what a tragedy this is - that someone so young took his life like this," he said.

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