Heathvale Action Group centres around residents' families and representatives of the local community.

A meeting is to be held in St John's Room, Middlewich Road, Rudheath on Monday February 8, from 7.30pm.

All interested parties concerned about the future of residents are invited to attend.

A spokesman said: "Many questions remain unanswered in respect of the background to the closure.

"We hope that CLS will at the very least reconsider the decision in the best interests of the residents' welfare and also for the care team who have remained loyal throughout."

Denise Hewson's father, Robert Large, has been in the homes for seven years.

"I think it's appalling. I told my dad last Sunday afternoon and all he said was 'I'm staying,'" said Denise, of Wright Avenue, Rudheath.

"The staff are kindness itself they give us so much support as a family.

"We are appealing, please please keep it open," she added.

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