Isn't this just typical.

Knutsford moving forward and jerking back with no vision of a future or any consideration for this up-and-coming generation.

As a young Knutsford man I can appreciate the rich heritage of the town, which makes me proud, and I can embrace the many reputable eating and drinking places.

After that the town takes a sharp slump into a dead zone.

A minority view has once again overwhelmed a sensible proposal.

All attention is focused on the negative impact on the town and how the police wouldn't be able to cope with all the drunken people roaming the street, and the council concerned about parking at night.

These apocalyptic explanations astound me.

The issue seems to be inadequate policing for the town anyway, and as for problems with parking, when you look at the capacity of the club along with parking activity during the time of opening, which could be 10-11pm, there are never many vehicles in the town at that time.

Besides people within the locality could, and would probably, walk or get one of our many taxis.

The town desperately needs a third option to complement its dynamic character and to feed the need of all those who aren't too out of touch to still appreciate a good 'shin-dig.'

Travelling out into the wilderness to Manchester or elsewhere for that third option denies Knutsford's local economy of revenue, its residents of entertainment, and fuels the movement back to the last millennium instead of walking confidently into the next.


Shaw Drive


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