We were delighted to hear of the action plan to protect the mere and its wildlife.

Not only is Rostherne one of the country's best examples of a lowland mere, it is one of Europe's best examples of a rare glacial phenomenon, called a geomorphological hollow.

Thank goodness it has a reprieve (which may be only temporary) while a final decision is made about the A556M link.

If built, this road would abut Cherry Farm, close to the mere and rise about 60ft above it, resulting in noise and air pollution.

In spite of all precautions and safeguards, the road's proximity to this special site could only bring damage and, perhaps over time, destruction to the fragile balance of the mere, its environment and its wildlife.


Sharston Crescent. Knutsford

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.