The town council - fed up with what they see as a deterioration of Mr Brooks' land - held a behind-closed-doors meeting with agent Graham Pike.

He was hit with a barrage of queries about the upkeep of his most high-profile holdings, including the Moor Pool, the Heath and a cobbled alley in Princess Street.

"When the urban district council looked after the Heath it looked lovely," said Clr Bert Grange, one of Mr Brooks' fiercest critics.

"Now it looks a mess."

Other suggestions for Mr Brooks - Cheshire's second biggest landowner - included handing over the former Town Hall to a trust.

Clr Bill Davies described Mr Pike's response as a non-committal 'straight-bat' performance, but said he did listen to their concerns and promised to take them back to Mr Brooks.

"The only thing he has promised is the definitive map," said Clr Davies.

Mr Pike was unavailable for comment this week.

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