The escalation in the dispute between eco-activists and contractors, preparing to cut back trees outside the airport perimeter fence, comes just days before a court bid to fight eviction.

On Friday morning, Green Party legal representative Chris Maile will argue in the Court of Appeal that the airport doesn't hold the title to National Trust-owned Arthur's Wood - and can't evict the protesters. "This is not going to win," said Mr Maile. "The trees will be cut. But it's about trying to preserve them."

More than a dozen eco-activists from the established camp have moved down the Bollin Valley and set up a second camp in Airport-owned Cedar's Wood.

"We intend to dig in for as long as possible," said protester Rod from Cedar's Wood. "There's a rumour that they intend to evict on Monday."

Last weekend 24 Cheshire police officers waited while contractors began felling trees on another part of the site, but there was no public disorder.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.