The Highways Agency have promised to stop traffic turning right in and out of Plumley Moor Road at The Smoker pub by March next year.

The junction has witnessed more than five serious accidents and one fatal in two years.

Last week engineer Graeme Freeman outlined the safety measures at a parish council meeting in Plumley.

They include:

EXAMINING other junctions to see where dangerous right-hand turns can be banned.

INSTALLING traffic lights on the Tabley roundabout.

CHANGING the position of the A50/A556 traffic lights at Mere and

PAINTING double white lines between Bowdon and Lostock Gralam to force drivers to stay on their own side of the road.

In addition there will be new signs warning drivers that the speed limit is 60mph and an in-depth study will be drawn up by March of possible road safety measures on the A556 between Bowdon and Tabley.

Plumley Parish Council chairman Sybil Crossman was assured at last week's meeting that cash had at long last been made available.

"We've seen the working plans for both the white lines and speed signs," she said.

"So I guess that is evidence of their commitment. The traffic must be slowed down."

Cty Clr Albert Turnock and borough Clr Sue Kipling made it clear to the Highways Agency that they wanted to know of any delays after fears were expressed that objections to the plans could spark a lengthy public inquiry.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.