A NEW £3.5 million Kill Your Speed campaign has been launched this week.

It aims to reduce the fatal accidents which kill 1,200 on the road every year.

The campaign is being supported by Cheshire County Council road safety officials and Cheshire police.

Speed is the biggest single cause of road accidents.

This year's five-week TV, radio and print advertising campaign is targeted at everyone who speeds - especially in residential and built-up zones.

Cheshire County Council's road safety officer John Moss said:"The biggest single cause of road accidents is driving too fast, according to research by the Transport Research Laboratory.

"The message for drivers is clear: when you get behind the wheel, remember the terrible consequences for thousands of families every year."

In 1997, 3,599 people were killed and 323,945 injured - 42,967 seriously - in road accidents.

About two-thirds of all accidents happen on roads with a maximum speed of 30mph or less.

Some 70 per cent of motorists break the speed limit on these roads.

At 35mph, you are twice as likely to kill someone as you are at 30mph.

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