BIDDULPH town, district and county councillors are due to join forces to thrash out radical ideas for improving the town.

The initiative is aimed at developing a comprehensive regeneration strategy for Biddulph after the failure of its latest bid for funding for a bypass.

The new approach would aim at priority areas like creating jobs, revitalising the town centre and reducing social problems.

Biddulph Town Hall is being looked at as a possible venue for a meeting next month of town, district and county councillors to discuss the joint initiative, which could also involve local people.

"There are problems in Biddulph, identified for a number of years, which require attention now,'' said Moorlands development services head Mike Sutcliffe.

"These have formed the basis of various bids for funding packages, some of which have not been successful.

"An all-embracing regeneration strategy is needed for Biddulph to replace the piecemeal approach."

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