CHARITY fund-raiser Phil Johnson presented a cheque for £500 on Friday as part of a 1999 Egyptian challenge.

Mr Johnson, aged 44, plans to trek 100 kilometres across the Sinai desert next month to raise money for Guide Dogs for the Blind.

Mr Johnson, from Spedding Way, Biddulph, is blind, and aims to complete the marathon in the company of visually impaired people.

In just four weeks he has raised a third of the £1,500 he needs to take part in the week-long trip, all of which will go to the guide dogs charity.

He presented a cheque for £500 to Andy Morgan from Stoke City FC at Stoke's home game on Friday against Manchester City.

Mr Morgan will forward the cheque to the charity, and anyone who would like to support Mr Johnson financially can fax or ring him on 01782-522727.

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