MORE than 70 residents have joined forces to try to stop the building of 24 homes near a primary school.

Dane Housing wants to build a complex of family homes and flats in Congleton, a scheme which has sparked opposition from local people.

The homes would be created on land off Lowe Avenue, which is near Daven Primary School.

Residents are worried about increased traffic dangers to Daven pupils from the extra cars and construction lorries driving down New Street to the new development.

Their concerns prompted Dane Housing to hold public meetings at the primary school in November and December to allow residents to voice their fears.

A Dane Housing spokesman said the planned development was aimed at meeting a recognised housing need, and the meetings were staged because it was important to take account of residents' views.

''When a contractor is appointed we will ensure they are made fully aware of the safety issues, and take these into account.

''We would not envisage a great increase in traffic in the area because of the new housing.''

Congleton Town Council welcomed the provision of social housing, but had serious concerns about what it claimed would be a major increase in cars driving past Daven School and onto Canal Street.

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