ANGRY shopkeepers are backing their landlord's decision to fight on to win the right to redevelop an ailing shopping centre.

TBI, which owns West Heath Shopping Precinct in Congleton, wants to demolish the centre and replace it with a large supermarket and a series of small shops.

Hundreds of shoppers supported the plans with a 642-signature petition initiated by precinct shopkeepers who have seen trade fall away since the opening of a Tesco at Kidsgrove.

They also fear the centre could be devastated if Tesco wins permission to open a supermarket alongside the Clayton bypass in Congleton.

Their campaign backing the planned redevelopment of the centre fell on deaf ears this week when the TBI scheme was narrowly defeated.

Borough planning committee chairman Bill Owen used his casting vote against the scheme after councillors were tied eight each on the project.

TBI said it would appeal against the decision, which would see an inspector from the Department of the Environment called in to rule on whether to give the redevelopment the green light.

"We believe unless something is done to redevelop the centre it will decline,'' said TBI spokesman Susan Knowles.

''A number of our tenants at the centre have indicated they will not be renewing their leases when they are due to end in a few years' time unless it is redeveloped.

"The application should be granted, refusing the scheme was the wrong decision, and we will definitely be appealing."

TBI wants to redevelop the centre into a 30,000 square foot supermarket and eight small shop units, alongside a 350-space car park.

The scheme was refused because of the harm it would cause to the centre's role in West Heath and the viability of Congleton town centre.

Sue Foden from Better Buffets said shopkeepers at the centre were 'disgusted' at the decision to reject the scheme.

"I am bitterly disappointed but not surprised at the decision - it was just what I expected from the councillors of this town," she said.

"Trade at the centre has dropped in the last 12 months since the opening of the Kidsgrove Tesco.

"If the Tesco plan for Congleton is approved, and nothing happens to improve the centre up here, leases due for renewal in the next few years will not be renewed."

Fellow centre shopkeeper Peter Nixon, from P and J Homestyle DIY, accused the councillors who voted against the scheme of being 'very short-sighted.'

"It would be the end of us if Tesco opens in Congleton, and I hope TBI appeals," he said.

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