NANTWICH nightclub Gregory's has had its licence renewed for three months after agreements to tighten up noise controls.

The club's public entertainment licence was up for renewal at last week's borough council licensing panel.

Several residents who live near to the night club in Castle Street objected to the renewal claiming noise and anti-social behaviour were causing them problems.

They said they were concerned about the noise both from the club and as people left the building at 2am.

One resident, Edith Fox, said: "Drunken revellers leaving the club in the early hours of the morning regularly disturb me with shouting, squealing and foul language, often for an hour or more. They also leave litter on my doorstep."

The panel agreed to renew the licence for three months after hearing that measures have been taken to reduce the volume of noise.

Work has started and should be completed this month.

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