A NEW £7million leisure complex could be built in Crewe as the council looks to update the borough's swimming pools.

The project is one of a number of proposals put forward by the council's leisure committee to replace or refurbish the facilities in Crewe and Nantwich.

Now members of the public will be asked for their views on which option would be best from the council's shortlist:

Basic renovation of both pools. Cost - £2million

Renovate Nantwich pool and cover the outdoor facility to provide two pools all year. Renovate Crewe pool and add a fun pool. Total cost £3.9million

Renovate and cover Nantwich pools and build a new modern swimming pool and leisure complex on a new site in Crewe. Cost- £8million

Head of Leisure Services Byron Davies said the sale of land off Eaton Street for a new cinema complex would provide £1.4million funding for the chosen scheme.

He added that further cash could come from Lottery grants or Private Finance Initiatives.

"The Crewe pool opened in 1937 and Nantwich pool is now some 25 years old. Both are old and antequated and expectations are rising as to what people want to see from a leisure complex," he said.

"To bring both up to their former glory would cost £2million and from the customers' point of view they wouldn't see the benefit because it would be spent on repair and maintainance.

"We intend to go through widespread consultation with the people of the borough to see what they would like to see.

"It's quite an exciting prospect and a golden opportunity to invest back into the community for the new millennium."

Any comments on preferred schemes should be sent to Byron Davies, Leisure Services Department, Delamere House, Delamere Street, Crewe, CW1 2JZ.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.