MULTI-MILLION pound plans for a leisure complex look set to get the green light to be built on land near Crewe town centre.

The development, planned for Eaton Street in Crewe, includes bars, restaurants, a pub, a two-storey nightclub, 310 parking spaces and link road access.

Some residents have objected to parts of the scheme with particular concern about late night noise and anti-social behaviour.

Environmental Health officers have called for an acoustic evaluation as the night club could cause problems if it is not effectively insulated.

A spokesman for Cheshire Police said that they did not object to the development but there were concerns about the night club which they said would "Inevitably lead to an increase in crime and disorder and place additional demands on existing police resources."

There were also concerns about inadequate car parking and they felt a high class club run by a prestigious national company would be likely to cause less problems than one of a lesser repute.

A planning office spokesman said the scheme would focus leisure demand on the town centre and would include a variety of pedestrian and cycle routes.

"There is understandable concern from residents of the nearby 'railway cottages' about the potential change to what they see to be their residential development," he added.

"These changes are needed, however, to benefit the wider community as a whole. Conditions will require measures to design out crime and carry out appropriate soundproofing of noise generating buildings."

Council officers have recommended the development for approval and borough councillors are due to discuss the scheme today, Thursday.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.