ANIMAL-lovers have won their battle to stop the building of a golf driving range in Sandbach.

A string of residents complained to Congleton Borough Council when plans for the four-hectare site off Betchton Road sparked fears for the safety of local wildlife.

The range would have included a 4.5 metre perimeter fence which conservationists claimed would be directly in the flightpath of nearby birds.

But the application was withdrawn after the council's planning committee was advised to refuse permission at a meeting on Monday.

Planning officers deemed the new site would have a detremental impact on users of the adjoining footpath, the character of the countryside and nature conservation interests.

Betchton Road resident John Barnett, who campaigned against the driving range, was delighted at the news.

"It's a victory for the wildlife of South Cheshire. I was very concerned about the plans and I'm really glad it won't go ahead," he said.

"I have nothing against the golfers but the animals couldn't speak for themselves and it would have had a devastating effect on the wildlife that live down the game corridor at Malkins Bank."

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