DEVELOPERS of a £25 million town centre leisure scheme say it could be put at risk by the 'bloody mindedness' of landowners.

Modus Properties, who are behind the massive Arena Central project off Winwick Road, say protracted negotiations over derelict properties on the site are putting the development at risk.

The company also claim that landowners are over-pricing their land and that if work doesn't start soon operators like Odeon Cinemas and Brannigans could pull out. Mike Riddell, Operations Director at Modus, said: "We are now encounter a sheer bloody mindedness which is putting the whole scheme in jeopardy.

"If the remaining land is not secured in the near future then there is genuine risk that existing operators who have shown a firm interest will withdraw their commitment," he said.

The company say they have now been forced to apply to Warrington Borough Council for Compulsory Purchase Orders. But the council's Deputy Leader, Mike Hannon, said he was "astonished" by the claims.

"There have been compulsory purchase order problems, but they are no insurmountable. For whatever reason, people hold out - but this is not unusual.

"We are 100 per cent behind this application and we want it to go ahead as soon as possible. It will get rid of an eyesore which is the first thing visitors to the town see.

"If there is a problem they should bring it to our attention."

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