Portrait of the Past, which opened last Thursday, explores the town's heritage by taking a look at some of the figures, benefactors, industrialists and civic dignitaries who have shaped history. It is the perfect chance to see some of the museum's hidden treasures which don't feature in its permanent collections.

Sue Thomson, a volunteer, has been putting the exhibition together. She started working there six years ago when she was writing a thesis on museums for an MA.

"We have found out bits and pieces about some of the people featured that we never knew before," said Sue. "Even when the exhibition is over the research will remain and will be an important contribution to the museum.

"It is a lovely chance to check out some of our portraits and sculptures that are not always on display."

Sue's favourite piece is an imposing portrait of famous brewer Carl Walker which greets visitors as they walk through the gallery door.

"It is such an impressive portrait and the detail is wonderful, right down to the stylish spats he is wearing. It really captures how important a man he was."

Portrait of the Past runs until March 6. The museum and art gallery is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 5.30pm and Saturday from 10am to 5pm.

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