EVEN being knocked down by a car didn't deter Gloria King from her duty - she has just retired as a lollipop lady after more than 13 years looking after Croft's children.

Gloria, of Oak Street, looked after the crossing patrol at St Lewis's RC Primary School, Mustard Lane, and also worked there as a midday assistant for several years.

She was knocked down by a car just 18 months into her career, but says it didn't put her off. "I was very lucky. I didn't break anything but I was covered in bruises. On my first day back at work, my stomach was doing butterflies but I kept walking and didn't turn back."

Gloria says she has loved working with the children. "They keep you young and active," she said, "and I'm really going to miss them."

Gloria was presented with flowers, jewellery and a teddy bear by staff and pupils and headteacher Barry Cain says they are sad to see her go."

"It's a big loss," he said, "and we are going to miss her desperately. But it is a double loss for us as we cannot get anyone to replace her."

School crossing patrols are organised by Warrington Borough Council and there are currently six unmanned crossings across the town.

Anyone interested in the role can contact Phil on 442530 or Ivor Williamson on 443030.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.