ON Thursday, January 28, I attended a Borough Council Housing meeting, intending to speak against the proposed payment of water charges as part of rent of council housing, considering this non-choice method of payment to be an infringement of my civil rights. Earlier that day I had been told by the chairman, Mrs Alice Froggatt, that I would be allowed to address the meeting. Then, just before the meeting she told me the Labour group had rescinded the chairman's permission - thereby gagging me.

Clr Mrs Walker (Lib Dem) and Clr Ian Marks (Lib Dem) expressed concern that they had misgivings about the scheme which they thought could be detrimental to council tenants, as also had CAB, the CVS and the Law Centre in letters to the Borough Council.

The two Lib Dem councillors proposed the scheme be deferred for 12 months for an in-depth assessment. This was put to the vote and lost. A contrary proposal by the Labour group that the scheme as outlined by the council officers be implemented was carried. Personally, I think the payment of bills to private companies such as Water, Gas and Electricity, should be no part of local government concern.


Hon. Alderman

Ex Mayor of Warrington


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