IN REFERENCE to "baited breath" on January 15, I would like to endorse all the points he raised and also add my own.

Many years ago the telephone kiosk was moved from the top of Park Avenue towards the Black Bear Bridge because it was considered to be an obstruction to traffic. The police have been notified on occasions about the cars parked on the pavement of Knutsford Road and the double yellow lines in Park Avenue but to little avail as there has been no reply to the people making the complaints. There seems little resolve in taking to task the illegal parkers. On numerous occasions I have seen police cars, motorbikes and speed controllers in the area and none of these have taken the time to do anything about the congestion at the top of Park Avenue.

I would also expect Warrington Council to be more involved as the cost of replacing the traffic bollards in the central reservation must be very expensive. The more they are demolished the longer they seem to take to replace. Whilst mentioning the council, on Saturday, January 16, one of Direct Services' pick-up trucks loaded with trees was parked at 12.30pm on the pavement directly in front of the Dragon City take-away. If these people cannot be stopped, what hope is there of stopping anybody else?

If you should print this letter I would hope that the authorities will take the same swift action that was taken to remedy the parking problem near Our Lady's School, Wash Lane, on January 18 and 19. Also I believe that on the evening of January 22 there was an accident at the junction of Park Avenue and Knutsford Road.


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