I HEARD that the Carlton Club would be shutting down and to be honest I was not that bothered at first. I have been going for eight years and thought, "at least I will save some money" but the old saying is true, "you don't realize what you have 'till it's gone." So true.

On the last night of a club that has served Warrington well, I could not take in that next weekend I would be sitting at home watching TV instead of being out with my friends.

I can understand that a law was broken and that the judges were just doing their jobs, but did they not stop to think about the hundreds of rock fans in Warrington? No.

Where are they supposed to go? It's not to bad for myself because I am getting on a bit, but I feel sorry for the younger people. They have nowhere left.

I think it's stupid that Warrington, as big as it is, cannot support just one rock club. I have seen smaller villages with rock clubs. Have Warrington officials lost the plot completely? Do they think because dance music is more popular there is no need for a rock club? I know rock music is not everyone's cup of tea but the demand for a new club is high. So can't Warrington officials do something about it?

Can they try not to bring in someone to open to club? Could they not buy the club themselves and get the money back through the profits it makes?

Surely there is something that someone can do. You can't have a huge place like Warrington and not have a rock club. It would be like saying London does not have a McDonalds.

The Carlton brought people in from Widnes and Runcorn so you can't really say there is no need for one. Warrington has really stuffed up.


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