THERE has been a lot of bad publicity recently regarding various police forces around the country. Police officers have been accused of inefficiency, corruption and lack of concern. I am sure there are occasions when this is true and that publicity is one of the tools which can be used to ensure that the police perform their duties in all respects to the standard expected by everyone. However, there are, I am sure, many occasions when individual police officers are deserving of our thanks and, indeed, some good publicity.

Late on Saturday last, while travelling with one of my teenage daughters from home to UCI at Westbrook, my car broke down. We were on one of the lonely stretches of Westbrook Way. It was cold, dark and very foggy and there were no houses nearby. I thought we had no option but to walk to UCI as another of my daughters would, by this time, be waiting outside for a lift home. We had only walked about 100 metres when a police car appeared. The two officers were brilliant. When I explained that my daughter would be waiting, perhaps alone, they took me and my daughter to UCI, took both my daughters safely home, waited while I rang the RAC and then even drove me back to my car so I wouldn't have to walk back alone.

I know no crime had been committed, no riot needed to be quelled and no violent criminals needed to be dealt with but these two officers showed kindness and understanding and prevented a young girl being left in a vulnerable situation. I would like to thank the WPC and PC involved whose names I didn't think to ascertain, but who are based at Gt. Sankey. I am sure this is not the only act of kindness performed by Warrington officers during the course of their work, it's just that we never get to hear about them.


Newlyn Gardens


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