A TRANSSEXUAL, made famous by a popular BBC docusoap, has turned to a Warrington starmaker to help her career.

Jackie Mcauliffe, the enigmatic star of Paddington Green, has been signed up by Dave Warwick, of Knutsford Road, who plans to turn the 28-year old pianist and violinist into a celebrity.

"I think she has great potential as a celebrity. She is a very talented young lady who has musical, writing and poetry talents," said Mr Warwick.

"I'm shifting through projects for her at the moment. She did the Heaven and Earth programme last week. She will be appearing on The Kelly Show in Northern Ireland this weekend and Radio Two next week. She is a very busy lady and she is coping with the fame very well."

The successful entertainment agent has a stable of 26 high profile television stars including Carol Smillie, "Handy" Andy Kane and Gordon Burns.

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