A VAN driver and two passengers narrowly escaped serious injury when wood was thrown from a footbridge, smashing the vehicle's windscreen.

Mr Colin Oliver, aged 43, of Birchwood, was travelling home along Oakwood Gate, Birchwood, just before 10pm when the wood struck and went straight through the front windscreen.

Nobody was hurt, although the two passengers went into shock following the incident.

Mr Oliver, who runs a mobile video hire service, said: "It really does unnerve you.

"I've been driving for years, but since that Saturday every time I drive up to the bridge I will look to see who's up there."

No culprits were caught, but children were seen running away from the scene.

Warrington police have confirmed the incident took place, but that they have no descriptions of the children. Inquires are being made.

Mr Oliver added: "It makes parents aware of what their kids could be up to.

"One of us could have been injured or even killed."

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