PEOPLE celebrating their 40th birthdays this year are set to reunite - and aid research into a condition which claimed the life of a former classmate.

Former pupils of Beamont Technical School are aiming to roll back the years but want more friendly faces to join them for a fun-filled fiesta.

The reunion, on March 5 at the Highwayman pub in Manchester Road, Paddington, has been in the pipeline since the last get-together seven years ago.

But towards the end of last year, organisers, who were already making plans for the celebrations, learned of the death from leukaemia of Yvonne Parker, nee Dalglish, an ex-Beamont pupil.

It was then decided that all profits from the event would be donated to Leukaemia Research, with the blessing of Mrs Parker's family.

Co-ordinator Barbara Mahoney, nee Lea, believes it is an ideal opportunity to rekindle old memories, as people had or were about to celebrate their 40th birthdays.

The last time such an event was held proceeds were presented to a cot death research charity.

Today the Long Lane school buildings are no longer open for lessons and form part of Warrington Business Park instead.

If you would like to join the class of '75 then contact Barbara on 415908 or Keith Coulter on 815073.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.