TUDOR Cottage, one of the town's most well known historic buildings, could soon be trading as a restaurant once again.

For Knutsford-based Italian restaurant operator, Cia Italia, has applied to extend the medieval cottage.

The black and white building in Church Street has stood empty for almost four years after a previous restaurant venture there failed.

Now, plans have been put forward to build an extension, described as being in sympathy with the existing building so as not to detract from its important historical heritage. The extension would create extra seating as well as improved kitchen and toilet facilities.

Tony Spada, of Ciao Italia said: "The cottage is beautiful, I think it is a great place to have a restaurant.

"I'm confident that the plans are going to be accepted. If a restaurant is there the place will be looked after."

Dating back to medieval times, the cottage bears the now familiar legend 'Oliver Cromwell once slept near here.'

Historians believe he lodged near the site in August 1648 from where he sent dispatches heralding the victories over Royalist forces at Warrington, Winwick and Preston.

Surveyor Michael Williams, of the town centre firm Morgan Williams, has been custodian of the building while it has remained empty.

He said: "I'm delighted. This will ensure the preservation of what is probably Warrington's oldest and finest Grade 1 listed buildings."

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