THE man behind Northwich's first home shopping service has launched a wedding gift scheme.

And to mark the occasion, we've got great prizes to give away to over 80 lucky readers.

John Sillett launched the home shopping service last year. It's proved such a success that his bosses from US firm Amway have decided to trial the wedding scheme in Mid Cheshire.

It gives engaged couples the chance to compile a list of gifts from home which will be sent to wedding guests who can choose what to buy. The list is co-ordinated by the home shopping service - and updated every time a gift is bought. The couple earn cash for every gift bought and get a present from the service on the wedding day.

In addition the bride to be will get a free makeover while her partner will receive a free grooming pack. Finally, the couple will have the chance to get up to 30% off any future purchases.

To celebrate, two lucky readers will win advisory makeovers, two will get a year's supply of washing powder, two will get a year's supply of washing up liquid, 10 will get vouchers giving them 25% off any product, 20 will get vouchers giving them 15% off any product and 50 will be given a health, beauty and style presentation.

To enter simply describe, in 15 words or less, the benefits of home shopping. Entries should be sent to Guardian Promotions, 19 Europa Boulevard, Gemini Business Park, Callands, Warrington, WA5 5TP. Usual rules apply. Closing date: February 24, 1999.

To contact John, ring 07050 627218.

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