TRAVEL agent Going Places is living up to its name.

The branch on Northwich High Street has been named the best in the company's north west region, beating 11 other stores - including the Going Places store directly opposite.

"It's a friendly competition really," admitted manager Debbie Smith. "There's no back-stabbing or anything like that between the two shops."

Not only did the store's eight staff pick up the best shop award, but two workers won individual awards.

Rachael Quinton was rewarded for being the top seller and Nikki McKay was named top bureau cashier. Both are 23 and from Rudheath.

"This is a good opportunity to thank the staff and show our customers what we have achieved," said Debbie.

The shop was named overall winner at a conference Debbie attended in Malta. But despite the glamorous location, not everything went right.

"It was horrible. It was raining," she joked.

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