A WINSFORD-based drama club is inviting local residents to join up for an evening on a desert island.

The Over Players company is staging a pantomime production of Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe which opens tonight, Wednesday.

The pantomime tells the story of a mariner who takes to the sea against parental warning.

After a number of misfortunes at the hands of Barbary pirates and the elements he is shipwrecked on an island off South America, where he remains for 28 years, two months and 19 days.

Using his enterprising nature, Crusoe manages to adapt to his alien environment and eventually befriends an island native who he names Man Friday.

The shows will take place at the Uniform Reform Church hall tonight, Wednesday, tomorrow, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7.30pm. Admission for adults is £3 and there is a concession for children. Photo no GB20-21.

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