PLANS to close a popular supermarket cafe have caused concern among Winsford shoppers who say it is a meeting place for hundreds each day, particularly the disabled and elderly.

The Coffee Bar, situated in Winsford's Asda store, will shut down at the end on the month after five years of trade, although several years remain on the lease.

But Asda has defended its decision saying the closure is necessary to carry out a refurbishment project worth several millions of pounds, which will bring the store into the 21st century.

Winsford resident Susan Baker said: "The sad thing is that the cafe accommodates all the elderly and disabled people who use the store.

"It has all the facilities there for these people and the girl who works there is marvellous. It's a real meeting ground.

"There are five people who are going to lose their jobs. The owner her husband and the three staff they employ."

One elderly shopper, who did not wish to be named, was worried that people with disabilities would suffer if the facility was taken away.

"I suffer from spinal arthritis and when I go to Asda I have a rest and a cup of tea in the cafe before I go home," she said.

"Another lady who uses the cafe walks with a frame. What are people like her going to do when it shuts down?"

Winsford town councillor Harry Mooney, chairman of the Winsford branch of the Vale Royal Pensioners' Association, also expressed concern.

He said: "Everybody seems to be worried about the cafe's closure because there doesn't seem to be any plans to replace it.

"This is a shame really because a lot of pensioners and disabled people pop in and have a cup of tea and use the cafe as a resting place more than anything else.

"Walking around for a long time is tough on pensioners' feet and they often need a rest. It is tragic they are taking the cafe away."

But Wayne Isaac, Winsford Asda's store manager, defended the decision to close the cafe. He said: "The store is going to undergo a total refit starting in April or May, though the details of this are still very much in the planning stage.

"What the space is going to be used for has not been finalised though it could well be another cafe.

"The store is a 25 year-old ex Fine Fare that desperately needs to be brought up to date, and unfortunately the current lease holders are having to go as part of these plans.

"The customers I have spoken to, who expressed concern over the cafe's closure, have been quite positive once they have been told about the proposals."

Mr Isaac added: "The refit ties into what is a larger development in the centre and the car park which will be really good for the town."

The cafe owners expressed disappointment at having to close, but refused to comment further.

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