WINSFORD's homeless people and families receiving welfare benefits will have the chance to claim a share of Europe's beef mountain - free of charge.

Vale Royal Borough Council is to distribute almost 18,000 cans of stewed steak through the area as part of its anti-poverty strategy.

The Council has been given the steak by the Intervention Board which oversees surplus food distribution throughout the European Community.

And the first give-away will take place at Winsford Civic Hall, on Monday, February 15, from 10am to 4pm.

The beef can be claimed by anyone on Income Support, Family Credit, Disability Working Allowance and Job Seekers Allowance. The homeless and people living in welfare hostels also qualify.

Clr Brian Jamieson, chairman of Vale Royal's environmental and technical committee, said: "We are one of the few councils who apply for the free beef and it makes an important contribution to our anti-poverty strategy and can help many families with their weekly food bill."

The council stresses that all the beef is top quality, has been kept in good condition and is from animals under 30 months old.

And people who qualify should ensure they take proof of their entitlement - an Income Support or Family Credit book for instance - with them.

For more information call David Uden or Andrew Challinor on 01606 867848 or 867850.

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