TEENAGE arsonists have been blamed for a blaze which gutted the first floor of a terraced property in Stephenson Walk, Winsford.

The fire was reported just before 7pm on Saturday night and three fire crews attended using breathing apparatus and hose reels.

It was almost two hours before the inferno was brought under control and crews left the scene.

Only last year Arkwright Close, also on the Greenfields estate, fell victim to four arson attacks in a three-month period.

A Winsford fire spokesman said: "Severe damage was caused to the house and it was lucky that the property was unoccupied.

"We believe it was started maliciously and that youths were responsible. We have had problems on this estate in the past."

The house was formerly owned by Vale Royal Borough Council, but is now under the ownership of Riverside Housing Association.

A spokesman for Vale Royal explained: "The property damaged by fire, 9 Stephenson Walk, has been handed over to Riverside Housing Association.

"We were called out on Saturday night to make the premises secure, but it is actually under the ownership of Riverside now."

Tom Maguire, director of Riverside Housing Association, was unavailable for comment when the Guardian went to press.

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