I WRITE in response to a letter published in the Winsford & Middlewich Guardian regarding Minosus Limited who are seeking planning permission to dump waste in the Jack Lane mine shaft.

I do not believe a mine could ever be a safe place to store chemicals that react corrosively or explosively with gas, air or water.

The mine flooded quite comprehensively during the 1960s. A repeat of such an occurence, should chemical waste be stored down there, would produce environmental disaster. Any explosion below ground would be vented up the mine shaft and dispersed over the countryside.

Minosus Limited is part of a much larger, multinational group, with a French parent company. It is my understanding that this group of companies, all concerned with waste disposal, are actively seeking a country within Europe that is either gullible enough, or poor enough, to consider taking the trash which other countries will not store. Don't let them make Britain their dumping ground, or the people of Vale Royal their guinea pigs.

Countryside lover

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