LYMM Angling Club's Senior Match Group have again done the club proud by winning the Mid-Cheshire Winter League.

This competition has nationally accredited teams taking part. The competition in this event is fierce, making victory that little bit sweeter.

The performance of fisheries are particularly difficult to predict at the moment. However, some decent catches have been reported over the past week. Phil Larkin and friends spent a few hours on Farm Pool and scored well with roach, rudd and perch.

Phil also, on the invitation of Steve McMurray, had a little session on Mossbank Pool where he had never fished before. He was pleasantly surprised with plenty of action courtesy of the good head of roach and rudd. This water has one or two surprises and Phil received one such surprise by hooking and eventually landing one of the pool's resident trout. These fish were stocked to combat the problem of an over population of sticklebacks. These trout must be returned on capture in order for them to continue their good work. Steve, as usual, did very well landing a good bag of mixed fish.

Statham Pool is back on song with roach the most obliging species, fish to 2lbs have been reported. On a serious note, there is evidence that barbed hooks have been used of late and therefore bailiffs will be making checks. It's unfortunate that members are inconvenienced in this way, although the blame must be placed with the members who flout the club rules.

Lymmvale continues to produce specimen chub, golden orfe and even tench. Member Phil Corley reports targeting big chub and orfe, fishing very high in the water, and surprisingly it is fishing this method that has resulted in him catching tench. Tench as most anglers will know are considered a bottom feeding fish.

Founders Pool produced a fair number of carp last weekend, where fish to 15lbs were landed. Bailiff Dave Inkson witnessed a couple of carp landed during his short visit on Sunday.

Members have reported anglers not being in possession of adequate equipment while fishing for pike on the Sankey Canal. The minimum requirements for pike fishing are an adequate landing net and a pair of 12 inch forceps. Unhooking mats are strongly recommended. Anglers not in possession of adequate fishing will be asked to leave the water. Members can expect to have their licence endorsed, or withdrawn for such rule infringements.

I can be contacted on 411774.

Neil Jupp

Lymm Angling Club results:

The Angling Club Insurance Winter League: 1, Dave Woodworth, 4lb-2-0; 2, Dave Farrimond, 2lb-14-10; 3, Mark Thomas, Sam Newell, 2lb-11-12.

Club Championship Winter League, Old Quay Canal: 1, Terry Middleton, 5lb-14-0; 2, Barry Holbrook, 5lb-8-0; 3, Helen Thompson, 4lb-9-0.

Thursday's Sankey Canal Match, Bewsey: 1, Ray Boden, 7lb-2-4; 2, Ian Armstrong, 6lb-10-4; 3, Steve Crawford, 5lb-12-0; 4, Paul Burton, 4lb-5-4.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.