A WARRINGTON boxer stunned an

audience in Jersey with a devastating power show and has earned an invite to a

prestigious tournament in Denmark as a result.

Phoenix Amateur Boxing Club's top heavyweight prospect Danny Alcock brought an unexpected end to the career of Guernsey's Brian Lamb on Saturday.

The 34-year-old Lamb's farewell bout was supposed to have been geared to a winning send-off but the Dallam 19-year-old, rated No.1 in the country at his age, had not read the script.

Danny's coach Damian Ridpath said: "Lamb was a stone heavier than Danny, 15 years older and had the experience of 45 bouts compared to Danny's eight.

"But Danny absolutely destroyed him. Each of the three judges gave Danny every round by two clear points.

"They thought Danny was going to be an easy touch. It was a big step up in class for Danny but it was Lamb to the slaughter.

"Danny has now not been beaten since early 1997 and it is difficult to get opponents for him which is why we went to Jersey. He was guesting for a Manchester team as they were short of a heavyweight.

"An England squad coach saw his performance and said it was the most mature performance from a heavyweight of his age that he had seen."

Danny, who works as a lifeguard at Great Sankey Leisure Centre, has been invited to competein the Sweden/Denmark international ranking tournament at Aarhus in June

Damian said: "Just to be invited to this competition is a feather in your cap."

Danny, who is the junior Amateur Boxing Association champion, has a long term aim of wanting to compete for England in the Commonwealth Games in Manchester in 2002 followed by the Olympic Games in 2004.

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