WARRINGTON's junior chess whizz kid is off to Poland next week to test his talents against their international players.

Eleven-year-old Jody Stanger is one of 20 on the British Chess Federation tour looking to widen their experience at international level.

Jody, of Appleton, is the sixth highest graded player in the country for his age group and has been in the England squad since last year.

He played in home internationals in 1998 but this will be his first time overseas. When he jets out of Heathrow Airport it will also be his first time in a plane.

His father Anthony said: "It is an official England tour under the supervision of the British Chess Federation with no parents allowed.

"This will be Jody's first time abroad but he is keen to go. In fact, he is very much looking forward to it."

The three-times Warrington junior champion and former county captain plays his club chess in the adult Cheshire League with Frodsham.

Highly motivated Jody taught himself the game after being given a chess set for Christmas by his grandfather a little more than four years ago.

When his talent for chess became clear to his parents they helped him along by recruiting a coach, who is grandmaster Nigel Davies.

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