WARRINGTON TV licence evaders are still bringing shame and embarrassment on the town, despite general improvement in the League of Shame say TV Licensing officials.

When the league was started last July, Warrington was a severe offender, initially placed at number 19 out of the top 50 licence evaders. Now in position 28, latest results show that people are finally realising if they have a television, they have to pay to watch it.

However, despite growing good fortunes, more than 1,200 licence dodgers were caught in the WA post code area between September and December 1998, and the town's continued appearance in the league is causing concern amongst officials.

"We will continue the campaign to clamp down on cheats in Warrington.

"People have to realise that they are breaking the law, and will face a £1,000 fine and a trip to Magistrates Court if they are caught. If the only way to avoid this is to shame areas then so be it," he continued.

The hand held scanners are the latest addition in detection equipment produced to weed out TV cheats, because they are accessible in high rise flats and other areas where vehicles cannot go.

There are several ways to pay for your TV licence. Through Direct Debit or Debit card, call 0990 226666. You can pay by cash or cheque at any Post Office or send a cheque payable to: TV Licensing, Freepost BS6689, Bristol, BS1 3YJ.

The next round of results from the League of Shame will be produced at the end of April.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.