A HOMELESS woman is living in a tent on Culcheth's playing fields.

Anita Lawton left her home after splitting up with her former partner several weeks ago. She slept in doorways around the town but settled in Culcheth four weeks ago after meeting her new boyfriend, Kevin Mugan.

He suggested she buy the tent and spends each night with her at the make-shift campsite on the Shaw Street football pitches.

"I didn't want Anita to be here on her own," said Kevin. "Anything could happen to her. Someone has already kicked the tent in once, but luckily we were out at the time."

After leaving her house, Anita hoped to get council accommodation but says she heard that because she was healthy she would not be eligible. She spent one night in a hostel, but says that she was asked to leave because of problems associated with her alcohol problem.

The couple, who are both unemployed, spend much of their time in the village. They visit the library and eat in cafes, making sandwiches to eat back at the tent that night. Kevin still officially lives with his parents and the pair visit the house for food and to use washing facilities.

A spokesman for Warrington Borough Council's housing department confirmed that Anita is eligible for emergency housing and said that staff would do their best to help her if she visited their offices.

"If Anita talks to a homelessness officer we will find her temporary accommodation," he said.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.