VILLAGE shops will be working together in March to raise money for cancer research.

Businesses from all over Stockton Heath have pledged support to a charity fashion show to be held at the Park Royal Hotel.

And it isn't just the village's clothes shops that are taking part. Hairdressers, jewellers and beauticians will be helping out - even the bookies is lending a hand with some sponsorship money!

Organiser Joyce Craighan of fashion shop Sarah Siddons said: "All the money raised by the event will go towards the Cancer 2000 Appeal at Clatterbridge Hospital. I think a lot of people don't realise that if someone in Warrington suffers from cancer, they will go to Clatterbridge for treatment."

Joyce got involved after finding out that one of her customers, Janet Bashford, was on Clatterbridge's committee for cancer research.

"It's the first time the shops have done something like this," added Joyce.

The show takes place on Monday, March 29, from 8pm. Tickets cost £10 and £15 for front row seats and are available from Sarah Siddons or Delooze Menswear.

Converted for the new archive on 13 March 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.