A MASSIVE prize give-away is planned for next week in a bid to bring shoppers back to Warrington's troubled market.

Top prize for one lucky customer will be a new car.

Last October, traders spoke out about their fears for the future of the council-run market which has been a part of Warrington life for more than 100 years.

They said that it was facing its worse crisis, with stallholder Christina Butterworth adding: "The market is here for the good of the people but if they don't use it, they will quite simply lose it".

Now a huge promotion day has been planned next Friday, February 19, which includes a tripe eating competition with a cash prize and a yo-yo competition.

Chairman of the council's Finance and Property sub-committee Clr Lily Clarke said: "We are always trying to promote the market. We're looking forward to it and I hope it will bring a lot of people in.

"I am sure that if we can just get people through the door they will see what a lot of variety there is there."

Shoppers have one more day to enter the prize draw for the car, as the closing date is tomorrow, Saturday. Tickets are available from any stall.

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