A 93-year-old woman is recovering in hospital after a man assaulted her and forced his way into her home.

The robber pushed the elderly victim and gained entry to the house in Hale Street, Orford, at 4.40pm last Friday. He ransacked the property, but left without taking anything.

The woman was being treated for cuts and bruises at Warrington Hospital when the Midweek went to press.

The attack is the sixth offence of its kind in the area since October and police are anxious to catch the offender.

The man has been described as white, in his late 30s to early 40s, 5ft 9 ins tall, with short dark hair. He was wearing a dark blue jacket and had a local accent.

Detective Sergeant Andy Southcott said: "The violence has escalated with each attack and we are desperate to catch this man."

Anyone with any information about the incident can call Warrington CID on 01244 613884 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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