SCHOOL children could be saving their families hundreds of pounds in household bills following special energy saving classroom lessons.

The second part of NORWEB's Energy Champions education programme, themed 'Save it, Don't Waste It', took place this week at five schools throughout the Newton area.

Following on from the Energy Champions stage show, written, produced and directed by TV's Johnny Ball, youngsters have been visited by a cast member to learn about ways of improving energy efficiency.

The Manor C.E. Junior School, Crow Lane West, was one of the schools involved. Nine to 11 year olds were visited by Alex Bizzie, who performed in the stage show.

"Alex was very good with the children and they understood the message of saving energy. It was an excellent afternoon and very educational," said teacher Rachel Price.

Other schools in the area that took part were; Penkford Primary, St Lewis R.C. Primary, The District C.E. Primary and Wargrave C.E. Primary.

Pupils received a free energy saving light bulb and NORWEB have provided participating schools with an information pack for on going use.

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