SQUABBLING neighbours now have the chance to talk about their disputes with a voluntary mediation group.

St Helens Mediation and Dispute Service (MEND) is offering neighbours the chance to resolve their disputes at an early stage and is an alternative to involving the police or seeking legal help for their troubles.

The mediators are fully trained in conflict management and mediation skills and offer their skills in confidence.

Gill Clayton, mediator for MEND. said: "The most common need for mediation is because of arguments about parking or noise. We try to get the people involved to enter into a goodwill agreement with each other. Usually the problems can be sorted out fairly if they talk about them.''

The service is independent and funded by Safer Merseyside Partnership, local housing associations, the police and the YMCA.

The mediation service is free to all residents of Newton and Earlestown.

For further details contact Gill Clayton or Joan Pilkington-Burrows on 01744 614609.

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