WARRINGTON libraries are using the latest technology to carry out a survey among users.

Westbrook and Birchwood libraries piloted the scheme which uses hand-held electronic equipment to register people's opinions about library services.

Librarian Jo Unsworth said: "The emphasis was on the use of computer technology in libraries, whether people were aware it was available and if they would use it. We had a very positive response."

Steven Broomhead, the borough council's chief executive, said it was all part of the council's commitment to pioneering new technology.

He said: "Warrington has already been recognised as a leading authority in modernising local government. For example, we recently tested new ways of improving local democracy by being the first council outside London to experiment with supermarket voting.

"We were also the first to test public opinion on an electronic voting system during a recent by-election."

Clr Terry Whelan, chairman of the Cultural Development Sub-Committee, welcomed the library project as a possible way to secure more funding. He said: "This exciting project should enable libraries, which are already using surveys to plan for the future, to bid for funding to improve public access to computer technologies in libraries.

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