A LITTLE girl's love affair with a teddy bear changed from tears to laughter when a surprise gift was delivered to her door.

Emma Hill, of Livingstone Close, Callands, fell in love with the cuddly bear when her family went for a meal at the Memphis Belle on Westbrook Crescent. The two-year old toddler entered a colouring competition to win him. But despite her best efforts she went home empty handed.

Mum Carol said it was heart-breaking: "She loved the bear as soon as she saw him. She asked if she could stroke him but once she did she didn't want to let him go. There were a few tears before we finally managed to prise him away from her."

She searched the town for a replacement for Emma's birthday next month, without success. Then Carol hit upon the idea of asking the Memphis Belle where they had got the bear from.

"I was ready to give up. But when I called the restaurant they said they would see what they could do. I couldn't believe it when they said the brewery, Tom Cobbley, had found one in York and would send it down as a gift for Emma. It came with a lovely letter asking if she could be his new mummy because he didn't have one," she said.

"I was very touched and Emma is absolutely thrilled. She won't leave him alone - he's become a firm favourite."

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