WARRINGTON'S booming economy has earned it a place in the top 25 of Britain's most prosperous places.

A study by the General Municipal and Boilermakers' trade union placed the town 21st, together with Halton, on a list of regions achieving above average economic development when compared to our European neighbours. Warrington ranked above such places as Glasgow, Leicester and Leeds.

Steven Broomhead, chief executive of Warrington Borough Council, welcomed the survey. He said: "It confirms Warrington's place as an area for high investment and economic success which has also been confirmed by other recent surveys. The benefits of this can be felt throughout the community. We are working hard to alleviate areas of social deprivation and family stress "

Warrington has been teamed with Halton for the survey but Mr Broomhead claims the town's position would have been higher if it had been judged on its own merits.

"I think if Warrington was judged on its own it would have been placed first or second. We are aware of recent job losses in Halton and we are working with them to do what we can," he said.

"We are always looking for major investors and hope that through Business Connections in April we can strengthen and improve our position."

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